Surah Alam Nashrah

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Surah Alam Nashrah

Classification of Surah Alam Nashrah:

Positionjuz 30
Number of words27
Number of verses8
Surah order94
The before surahSurah Ad Duha
The surah afterSurah Teen
MeaningComfort, Consolation, Relief,The Expansion, The Expanding,The Opening-Up of the Heart

Also known as surah Inshirah and surah Sharh, alam nashrah surah number 94th chapter of the Holy Quran. Translated in English as ‘The Consolation’. It has 8 verses appearing in the 30th juz that revealed in Makkah before the migration.  It was revealed straight after surah Duha, and both directly address the Prophet (SAW).

Surat Alam Nashrah Transliteration:

Alam nashrah laka sadarak

Wawa da’anaa anka wizrak

Allaziy anqada zaharak

Wara fa’anaa laka zikrak

Fa inna ma’al usri yusra

Inna ma’al usri yusra

Fa iza faragta fan sab

wa ila Rabbika far gab.

Surah Alam Nashrah in English

1. Did We not expand for you your breast?

2. And We removed from you your burden.

3. Which had weighed upon your back.

4. And We raised high for you your repute.

5. For indeed, with the hardship [will be] ease.

6. Indeed, with the hardship [will be] ease.

7. So when you have finished [your duties], then stand up.

8. And to your Lord direct [your] longing.

How and why Surah Alam Nashrah revealed:

This surah’s topic matter is quite similar to Surah ad duha’s. The two surahs were revealed at around the same time and in comparable circumstances.

In regard to the verb nashrah in the first ayah, it is referring to ash-Sharh and al-Inshirah.

Muhammad SAW had never had to deal with the circumstances he had after assuming the role of prophet. This was a significant turning point in his life. The same culture that had previously treated him with the utmost respect, became hostile to him as soon as he started proclaiming the message of Islam.

Struggles of Prophet’s (PBUH) before prophethood:

In Makkah, people stopped listening to him; people started ridicule and abusing him. At every turn, he met with fresh challenges.

Even though he eventually grew acclimated to difficulties, the beginning was particularly challenging for him. As a result, Allah sent down ad duha and then Surah e Alam Nashrah. To console him and inspire him to keep striving for Allah’s blessing and recompense. Allah told him that he had blessed him greatly; as a result, he should not feel down.

Allah encouraged him in this surah that his difficult time will soon come to an end. And that help was on the way.

Finally, Almighty orders him to increase his worship, and focus on his Lord’s presence. During that first phase to lessen the stress of the difficulties he would face.

Brief explanation:

Following is the brief Alam Nashrah Quran tafseer.

Allah (SWT) reminds His Messenger (PBUH) of several of His favors in the first half of this surah. Including the fact that initially,

He allowed Islam into his heart, enlightened it with instruction, and opened his heart to it. The purpose of the recall was to reassure him. That his Lord would continue to help and assist him in the same way that He has in the past. “Expansion of the breast” (sharh as-sadr) is a sign of motivation, satisfaction, and release from uncertainty.

Before receiving Prophethood Muhammad SAW felt psychologically perplexed and afflicted.

He neither could embrace the faith of his ancestors, nor did he see a workable substitute. He sought solitude in the cave of Hiraa. To reflect and pray for direction as a result of his spiritual discontent and unhappiness.

With the blessing of prophethood, Allah showed him the way of proper guidance. Which relieved him, provided him serenity, and gave him the bravery and tenacity. He needed to carry out the challenging duties of his mission.

Verses meaning and explnations:

Sharh as-Sadr (extension of the breast) has two meanings, as evidenced by the context. In which it is being used again in the Qur’an:

“So, whoever Allah wants to guide, yashrah sadrahu lillslam (He expands his breast to contain Islam)”.

Surah Al’an’am verse 125

“So is one whose breast Allah has expanded to [accept] Islam (sharah-Allahu sadrahu lil-Islam) and he is upon a light from his Lord…”

Surah Zumar verse 22

Sharh as-Sadr in both of these passages refers to satisfaction with Islam. As the sole morally just and acceptable way of living. As well as liberation from all forms of detachment and uncertainty.

Additionally, according to Surah Ta Ha verses 25–26. When Allah designated Prophet Musa to face up against Pharaoh and his subjects, he pleaded to Allah, saying:

“Rabbishrah-li sadri wa yassirlii amrii (My Lord, expand for me my breast and ease for me my task).”

Expanding the breast in this instance suggests that he needs more bravery and confidence to complete the task at hand.

“Expanding the Prophet’s breast” has two meanings in this surah.

And it highlights for him a further point:

“When Allah has blessed you with sharh as-sadr, there is no longer any reason that you should feel distressed or depressed.”

Additionally, Allah had lifted a weight from the Prophet SAW who had been carrying it heavily.

Interpretations according to commentors:

Commentators have offered three interpretations of this:

1. It relates to the two occasions. One during his boyhood and the other just before al-Israa‘, when angels pierced his chest and purified his heart (the Night Journey).

Since the terminology in those hadiths is shaqq as-sadr, (splitting or opening). Rather than sharh, many scholars have rejected this theory.

2. It entails pardoning him for whatever prior mistakes he may have made. All prophets protected from committing crimes. Despite the fact that the word wizr (burden) is frequently used: to denote guilt or wrongdoing.

Therefore, his hardship was a result of his keen sensitivity to small mistakes.

3. Suggesting that this alludes to the fear he had at the beginning of his prophetic career. This is the most plausible and accurate interpretation.

It implies that even if the challenges he faced made his objective tough. Allah helped him and made it less difficult for him.

What can we take out from this surah?

Allah revealed this surah at a period, when no one could have predicted that a person with so few adherents who was confined to a single city (Makkah), would one day be honored across the whole world.  However, Allah bestowed upon him great regard and repute.

Because Muhammad is a name that is denoting someone who is continually praised and deserving of the honor.  Additionally, the very fact that Allah picked Muhammad to deliver His ultimate word is reason enough to thank him.

His reputation was initially disseminated by adversaries. Who made it a point to caution everyone they came in contact with, near and far, not to pay attention to this man who was uttering unusual things.

People’s curiosity was piqued, and as a result, they learned about the Prophet’s personality, behavior, and faith. Within ten years, the entire Arabian peninsula was pronouncing the shahadah. And the adhan. It then migrated westward into Africa and eastward across Asia.

Allah’s blessings:

In addition, Allah granted him the distinction of combining the name of Muhammad with His own name in the adhan. Which is now being chanted somewhere on the earth at all times of the day and night. As well as the shahadah, which is pronounced in every prayer.

Additionally, anytime his name is invoked. Both Muslims and angels invoke Allah’s blessings upon him by saying: sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam.

Last Prophet to humanity:

By elevating him to the status of the greatest prophet and the last prophet to humanity. Allah bestowed upon him the highest honor.

He would also be the first person to enter Heaven and have the highest status in the afterlife. In this world and the next, no one could ever attain the position he possessed.

Additionally, Allah reassures the Prophet SAW that ease will triumph over difficulty. And that He has provided assistance for each difficulty. Even though it could seem contradictory that difficulty would be accompanied by ease, the phrases imply that the difficulty is incomplete because of the ease that comes along with it.

What denotes ‘Yusr’?

While the indefinite yusr suggests a variety of forms and characteristics of easiness. The use of the definite article (لا) emphasizes that al-usr is one specific difficulty. The scholars now realize that the challenge will be overcome.

The fact that it is repeated confirms this. Sooner or later, the challenging times he was going through will pass.  The statement of ease before the difficulty rather than after it implies that: the moment of ease is also quite nearby. Almost as if it were tied to misery.

Instructions of Allah:

Finally, Allah gives His Messenger SAW the command to maintain his devotion. And focus on his Lord after he has finished the day’s religious and worldly tasks. The instruction has been translated by others as “then stand [in additional night prayers] and supplicate to your Lord.

This is a reasonable but constrained viewpoint that is encompassed by the more general definition provided above.

Because the Prophet fulfilled his commitments by serving, worshipping, and obeying his Lord. He is now told: to continue that effort after he is free by engaging in various forms of worship. Or more private ones while focusing all of his attention on Allah and wanting to be with Him.

What is ‘Raghiba’?

The word raghiba (also known as farghab), which means want, want, or crave for something. Indication of a use as this in its imperative form.

The idea of longing for one’s Lord implies constant effort in getting ready to see Him. Along with pleading and seeking His approval.

Therefore, Al-Rehman instructs the Prophet SAW to remain focused on the goal and purpose in front of Him. And to continue in worship whenever he has spare time.

Indirectly, Christians also should not give up. Instead, they should keep on seeking the blessing. And pleasure of their Lord through continued acts of worship and good deeds.

Benefits of Surah Alam Nashrah:

There are a number of Surah Alam Nashrah benefits. Yet it was noted that no Sahih Hadith was provided to outline any specific advantages of reciting Surah Alam Nashrah.

Several eminent experts advise Surah al Nashrah recitation as the source of several benefits.  For instance, they claim that reciting this Surah will relieve a woman during childbirth.

11 benefits of reciting Surat Alam Nashrah:

·         Reciting this surah will open his/her heart.

·         This surah will help him relieve all of his heavy burdens.

·         Reciting this surah will elevate the speaker’s name throughout the entire universe.

·         Imam Sadiq (May ALLAH bless him) narrated”

“He who recites Surah Alam Nashra during day and night, will die as a martyr and be resurrected as a martyr and resembles one who fights in the way of ALLAH with his sword along with the Prophet Muhammed ﷺ.”

·         Improves memory and maintains focus.

·         Reciting Surah Alam Nashrah would provide one with assurance and safety.

·         All chest diseases, including heart palpitations. Reciting the surah and blowing it on one’s chest will cure arrhythmia (abnormal heartbeat) or any heart/chest discomfort.

·         All of a person’s worries in this world would vanish within a short period of time. If they recite Surah Alam Nashrah 21 times each day.

·         If a person with a cough, cold, or flu reads Surah Alam Nashra. And blows on the water before drinking it. Inshallah will see the comfort in ill-health.

·         Surah Alam Nashrah provides protection from illnesses including cancer, diabetes, and hepatitis. Those who recite it acquire the respect and honor of those around them.

·         A person’s wealth will rise, and they will become wealthy. As a result of reciting Surah Alam Nashrah 21 times after Fajar Salah.


There are 8 verses in it. Muslims should commit this surah to memory and repeat it every day. Because it will make their struggles and sorrows easier. It will protect Muslims from the flames of hell. This essential component of both worlds’ prosperity should be fully embraced.


We may infer the significance of mastering Quranic recitation from the fact that doing so will save us from entering the fires of hell.

Undoubtedly, it is not feasible for the populace to memorize the entire Holy Quran in a couple of days. Yet, by reading a brief Surah from the Holy Quran, such as Surah Alam Nashrah. We can be able to get these blessings and qualities. However, mastering the recitation of this Surah is crucial.

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